Spark Configuration

Catalogs configuration

Using Mixed-Format in a standalone catalog

Starting from version 3.x, Spark supports configuring an independent Catalog. If you want to use a Mixed-Format table in a standalone Catalog, you can configure it as follows:


Then, execute the following SQL in the Spark SQL Client to switch to the corresponding catalog.

use mixed_catalog;

Of course, you can also access Mixed-Format tables by directly using the triplet mixed_catalog.{db_name}.{table_name}.

You can also set Spark’s default Catalog to your configured Catalog using the following properties. In this way, you don’t need to use the use {catalog} command to switch the default catalog.


In a standalone AmoroSparkCatalog scenario, only Mixed-Format tables can be created and accessed in the corresponding catalog

Using Mixed-Format in session catalog

If you want to access both existing Hive tables or Spark datasource tables and Mixed-Format tables in Spark, you can use the AmoroSparkSessionCatalog as the implementation of the Spark default session catalog. The configuration method is as follows.


When using the MixedFormatSparkSessionCatalog as the implementation of the spark_catalog, it behaves as follows

  • Load Table: When resolving a db_name.table_name identifier, it will load the table metadata by Spark’s built-in session catalog implementation, and then checking the MixedFormat flag defined in table properties. If the table has the MixedFormat flag, it will be loaded by MixedFormatSparkCatalog again.

  • Create Table: The behavior of CREATE TABLE is determined by the using {provider} clause in the DDL statement. If the clause contains using mixed_iceberg or using mixed_hive, a Mixed-Format table will be created. Otherwise, the default Spark implementation will be used to create the table.

When using the MixedFormatSparkSessionCatalog, there are several points to keep in mind:

  • MixedFormatSparkSessionCatalog can only be configured under the spark_catalog
  • The spark.sql.catalogImplementation must be configured as HIVE
  • Catalogs registered on AMS must use a Metastore of the Hive type.

The high availability configuration

If AMS is configured with high availability, you can configure the spark.sql.catalog.{catalog_name}.url property in the following way to achieve higher availability.


Among above:

  • zookeeper-endpoint-list: a list of host:port pairs separated by commas. A valid value could be,,
  • cluster-name: is the value of configured in the configuration file config.yml of AMS, which is used to identify the user space on ZooKeeper.
  • catalog-name: the name of the Catalog on AMS.